Jainism And Buddhism Ppt 4,7/5 7471 votes

Buddhism and Jainism vs. Hinduism: Although these three religions have many similarities, there are several differences as well. For example, Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism all have a philosophy developed system. However, Hinduism is based on the Brahmana system and Buddhism and Jainism are based on the Samana system.

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  • By this time, the old ritualistic Vedic tradition had gradually ceased to be a strong force.

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  • The freedom of thought allows fermentation of the new ideas and philosophic principles, leading to the establishment of numerous religious sects, which had never happened in India before.

  • The important landmark in the history of Indian culture was the evolution of Jainism and Buddhism during the 600 B.C.

  • Jainism and Buddhism have greatly influenced the society and culture of India. They stand against certain aspects of the pre-existing system of old ritualistic Vedic tradition.

  • Ascetic orders and brotherhoods were the basis of both Jainism and Buddhism explained in their own way.

  • The asceticism has its origin in the Vedic thought and Upanishads has been directly encouraging this by the recommending retirement to forests as essential to those who seek the highest knowledge.

  • The Aranyakas are the products of hermitages of the forests.


  • Rishabhanath and Aristhanemia are the two Tirthankaras of Jainism mentioned in Rig Veda that proves the antiquity of Jainism.

  • Rishabhanath had been mentioned an incarnation of Narayana in Vayu Purana and Bhagwat Purana.

  • The nude sculpture of some Tirthanakara was also found at Harappa.

  • The antiquity of Jainism is represented by a succession of twenty-four Tirthankaras.

  • Rishabhnath was the first Tirthankara of Jainism. The traditions of Jainism say that he was a king and renounced the kingdom in favor of his son, Bharata, and became an ascetic.

  • The name Bharatavarsha is after Bharata, the son of Rishabhanath as per the Puranic traditions.

  • Parsvanath was the twenty-third Tirthankara, he renounced the world at the age of thirty and attained the enlightenment (perfect knowledge) after nearly three months of intense meditation and spent the remaining life as a religious teacher. He had lived 250 years before Mahavira.


  • Vardhamana Mahavira was the twenty-fourth and the last Tirthankara of Jainism.

  • Mahavira was born about 540 B.C. in the village Kunda-grama near Vaisali. He was the only son of Siddhartha and Trisala. Siddhartha was the head of famous kshatriya Jnatrika clan and Trisala was the sister of Chetaka, an eminent Lichchhavi noble of Vaisali. Chetaka's daughter was married to the king of Magadha, Bimbisara.

  • Mahavira was married to Yasoda and lived a life of a householder. After the death of his parents, Mahavira left his home at the age of thirty, and became an ascetic.

  • Mahavira had practiced most rigorous asceticism for the next twelve years and attained kaivalya at the age of 42 years.

  • As per the Jainism, Kaivalya is the supreme knowledge and final liberation from the bonds of pleasure and pain.

  • Process lasso pro serial key. After attaining Kaivalya, Mahavira came to be known as Mahavira and Jina or the conqueror and spent his remaining life in preaching. His followers came to be known as Jainas. Initially, they were designated as Nirgranthas, which means free from fetters.

  • In 468 B.C., Mahavira passed away at Pawapuri at the age of 72 years. He spent 30 years of his life in preaching his teachings.

  • Four doctrines of Parsvanath are −

    • Non-injury to living beings,

    • Speaking the truth,

    • Non-possession of property, and

    • Not stealing.

  • Vardhaman Mahavira accepted four doctrines of Parsvanath and added Celibacy as a fifth one to them.

  • Celibacy is the complete renunciation and free from any possessions. Mahavira asked his followers to discard even their clothes.

Jain’s Mythology

  • The universe is eternal.

  • The world is not created, maintained, or destroyed by a God, but it functions through a universal or eternal law.

  • Jains did not deny the existence of God, but they simply ignored.

  • The existence of the universe is divided into cycles of progress (Utsarpini) and declines (Avasarpim). It functions through the interaction of living souls (Jiva) and everything in the universe has a soul.

  • The souls are found not only in the living beings like animals and plants, but also in stones, rocks, water, etc.

  • The purification of the soul is the purpose of living.

  • Only the pure soul after being released from the body resides in heaven.

  • The soul, which has finally set itself free, rises at once to the top of the universe, above the highest heaven where it remains in an inactive omniscient bliss through eternity. It is known as ‘Nirvana’ in the Jainism.

  • According to Jainism, salvation is possible only by −

    • Deserting all belongings,

    • A long course of fasting,

    • Self-mortification,

    • Study, and

    • Meditation.

  • Jainism, therefore, says that the monastic life is essential for salvation.

  • According to the Jaina tradition, the king Chandragupta Maurya has supported Jainism. He had accepted Jaina religion and abdicated the throne and died as a Jaina Bhikshu in the southern part of India.

  • Two hundred years after the death of Mahavira (during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya), a terrible famine broke out in Magadha. Bhadrabahu was the chief of the Jaina community at that time.

  • Bhadrabahu went to Karnataka with his followers and Sthulabhadra remained in Magadha as the in-charge of Jainism.

  • Bhadrabahu convoked a council at Patliputra, in which the Jaina canon was arranged.

  • Later in the 5th century A.D., the Jaina canon was further rearranged when the Jainas returned from south India. From where Jainism divided into two sects.

  • Those who returned from southern India held that complete nudity is an essential part of the teachings of Mahavira while the monks in Magadha began to put on white clothes.

  • Those who put on white robes known as ‘Svetambaras’ and those who were stark naked were called as ‘Digambaras.’

Buddhism and Jainism

Causes for the Growth of Buddhism and Jainism

  • The Vedic rituals were expensive and the sacrifices
  • prescribed were very complicated and had lost Their meaning.
  • The caste system had become rigid.
  • Supremacy of the Brahmins created unrest.
  • All the religious texts were in Sanskrit, which was Not understandable to the masses.


Buddha’s Life

  • Gautama, the Buddha also known as Siddhartha, Sakyamuni and Tathagata.
  • Born in 563 BC (widely accepted), at Lumbini, near Kapilvastu, capital of the Sakya republic.
  • Left home at the age of 29 and attained Nirvana at the age of 35 at Bodh Gaya.
  • Attained Nirvana or Enlightenment at 35 at Uruvela, Gaya in Magadha (Bihar) under the Pipaltree
  • Delivered his first sermon at Sarnath.
  • He attained Mahaparinirvana at Kusinara in 483 BC.
  • His first sermonis called ‘Dharmachakrapravartan’ or ‘Turning of the Wheel of Law’.
  • Attained Mahaparinirvana at Kushinagar (identical with village Kasia in Deoria district of U.P.) in 483 B.C. at the age of 80 in the Malla republic.

Buddhist Councils

First council:-

  • Year – 483 B.C
  • Place-Rajgrihi
  • Presided-Mahakshayap
  • Patron-Ajatshatru
  • Results-teaching of Buddha dived into two parts – vinay pattika & sutta patika

Second council:-

  • Year –322 B.C
  • Place-Vaishali
  • Presided-Sabakami
  • Patron-Kalashok
  • Results-follower dived into two parts Sthavirmadins and Mahasanghikas.

Third council:-

  • Year – 250 B.C
  • Place-Patliputra
  • Presided-Mogliputta Tissa
  • Patron-Asoka
  • Results-Third pattika Abhidhama patika compiled.

Fourth council:-

  • Year –72 A.D
  • Place-Kundalvan (Kashmir)
  • Presided-Vasumitra
  • Patron-Kanishka
  • Results-Buddhist divided into two parts Mahayan &Hinyan .

Buddhist Philosophy

  • Idealism: Two source of valid knowledge:

(a) Perception and (b) Inference.

  • Doctrine of dependent origination (Pratisamutpada): Central theory of Buddhist Philosophy. It tells us that in the empirical world dominated by the intellect, everything is relative, conditional dependent, subject to birth and death and therefore impermanent.
  • Theory of momentariness {Kshanabhanga or Impermanence): It tells that everything, in this world is merely a conglomeration of perishable qualities. According to it, Things that can produce effect exist and whatever cannot produce effect has no existence.

Five Great Events of Buddha’s Life and their Symbols

  • Birth: Lotus and Bull
  • Great Renunciation: Horse
  • Nirvana: Bodhi tree
  • First Sermon: Dharmachakra or wheel
  • Parinirvana or Death: Stupa

Four Noble Truths

  • The world is full of sorrows.
  • Desire is root cause of sorrow.
  • If Desire is conquered, all sorrows can be removed.
  • Desire can be removed by following the eight-fold path.

Eight Fold Paths

  1. Right understanding
  2. Right speech
  3. Right livelihood
  4. Right mindfulness
  5. Right thought
  6. Right action
  7. Right effort
  8. Right concentration

Three Ratnas

  • Buddha
  • Dhamma
  • Sangha
  • Belief in Ahimsa=One should not cause injury to any living being, animal or man.
  • Law of Karma=Man reaps the fruits of his past deeds.

The Sangha

  • Consists of monks (Bhikshus and Shramanas) and nuns.
  • Bhikshus acted as torch bearer of the Dhamma.
  • Apart from Sangha, the worshippers were called Upasakas.

Buddhist Textall wre written in Pali or Ardhamaghdhi

The Vinaya Pitaka:

(a) mainly deals with rules and regulations,which the Buddha promulgated,

(b) it describes in detail the gradual development of the Sangha.

  1. c) An account of the life and leaching of the Buddha is also given.

The Sutra Pitaka:

(a) Consists chiefly of discourses delivered by Buddha himself on different occasions,

(b) Few discourses delivered by Sariputta, Ananda. Moggalana and others are also included in it.

c) It lays down the principles of Buddhism.

The Abhidhamma Pitaka: (a)Contains the profound philosophy of the Buddha‘s teachings.

(b) It investigates mind and matter, to help the understanding of things as they truly are.

The Khandhakas: contain regulations on the course or life in the monastic order and have two sections – the Mahavagga and the Cullavagga. The thud part – the Parivara is an insignificant composition by a Ceylonese monk.

  • Among the non-canonical literature Milindapanho, Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa are important. The later two are the great chronicles of Ceylon.


Important Facts

Rise of jainism and buddhism ppt
  • The Buddha extended the teaching of two elder contemporaries, Alara Kalama, and Udlaka.
  • According to Buddhism there is no-self, no God, no soul and no spirit.
  • There is very little theological or philosophical speculation involved
  • Buddhism is scientific in approach, a search for cause and effect relationships and knowledge of reality, as each individual human being experiences it.
  • It is psychological in approach, that is, it begins with human being.
  • If women were not admitted into the monasteries, Buddhism would have continued for a thousand years, but because this admission has been granted, it would last only five hundred years‖ – Buddha

Contribution of Buddhism

  • The doctrine of Ahimsa—so strongly stressed, devoutly preached and sincerely practiced by the Buddhists & was incorporated in Hinduism of later days.
  • The practice of worshipping personal Gods, making their images and erecting temples in their honor became a part of the later day Hinduism.
  • Buddhism proved to be one of the greatest civilizing forces, which India gave to the neighboring countries.
  • Buddhism broke the isolation of India and helped in establishment of intimate contacts between India and foreign countries.

Causes of Decline of Buddhism

  • It succumbed to the Brahmannical rituals and ceremonies such as idol worship, etc. which Buddhism had earlier denounced.
  • Revival of reformed Hinduism with the preaching of Shankaracharya from ninth century onwards.
  • Use of Sanskrit, the language of intellectuals in place of Pali, the language of the common people.
  • Deterioration in the moral standards among the monks living in the Buddhist monasteries.
  • Attacks of Huna king Mihirkula in the sixth century and the Turkish invaders in the 12th century A.D. which continued till the 13th century A.D.


  • Founded by Rishabhanath, the first Tirthankara.
  • There were 24 Tirthankara (Prophets or Gurus) and all of them were Kshatriyas. Rishabhanath’s reference is also there in the Rigveda. But there is no historical basis for the fi rst 22 Tirthankaras. Only the last two are historical personalities.
  • The 23rd Tirthankara Parshwanath (symbol: snake) was the son of King Ashvasena of Benaras. His main teachings were:
    • Non-injury
    • Non-lying
    • Nonstealing
    • Non-possession.
  • The 24th and the last Tirthankara was Vardhman Mahavira (symbol: lion). He added celibacy to his main teachings.

Life of Mahavira

  • Born in 599 BC at Kundagrama near Vaisali.
  • Siddhartha was his father: Trisala his mother, Yasoda his wife and his daughter was Priyadarsena married to Jamali.
  • Jamali became his first disciple
  • Attained Kaivalya at Jrimbhikagrama in eastern India at the age of 42.
  • He got title of jina,arihant
  • Died at the age of 72 in 527 BC at Pavapuri near Rajagriha.
  • He was called Jina or Jitendriya, Nirgrantha and Mahavira.

Way to Nirvana (Three Ratnas)

  • Right faith (Samyak vishwas)
  • Right knowledge (Samyak jnan
  • Right conduct (Samyak karma)

The Principles of Jainism as Preached by Mahavira

  • Rejected the authority of the Vedas and the Vedic rituals.
  • Did not believe in the existence of God.
  • Believed in karma and the transmigration of soul.
  • Laid great emphasis on equality.
  • All action controlled by universal law

Five Main Teachings

(i) Non-injury (ahimsa)

(ii) Non-lying (satya)

(iii) Non-stealing (asateya)

Rise Of Jainism And Buddhism Ppt

(iv) Non-possession (aparigraha)

(v) Observe continence (Bralmmcharya).

(The first four principles are of Parsavanath and the fifth Bramacharya was included by Mahavira).

Jaina Philosophy

  • Syadvada: All our judgements are necessarily relative, conditional and limited. According to Syadvada (the theory of may be) seven modes of predication (saptabhangi) are possible. Absolute affirmation and absolute negation both are wrong. All judgements are conditional.
  • Anekantavada: The Jaina metaphysics is a realistic and relativistic pluralism. It is called Anekantavada or the doctrine of the manyness of reality‘. Matter (Pudgala) and Spirit (Jiva) are regarded as separate and independent realities.


The sacred literature of the Svetambaras is written in a form of Prakrit called Ardhamagadhi, and may be classified as follows:

(a) The twelve Angas ( b) The twelve Upangas (c) The ten Parikarnas

Jainism And Buddhism Ppt Slideshare

(d) The six Chhedasutras (e) The four Mulasutras.

Jain councils

  • First –3rd century B.C
  • Place-Patliputra
  • Presided-Sthulbhadra
  • Result – The compilation of 12 Angas to replace the lost 14 Purvas
  • Second-5TH Century A.D
  • Place-Vallabhi
  • Presided-Devridhigani
  • Result- Final compilation of 12 Angas and 12 Upangas

Jainism And Buddhism Ppt Reincarnation

Split in Jainism-

Buddhism Vs Jainism

Jainism was spilited into two parts

  • The Digambar –Naked leader –Bhadrabahu
  • The Swetambar-white clothes leader – Sthulbahu
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