How To Install Xmllint Windows 3,5/5 5831 votes
Complete instructions for getting xmllint to work with Sublime Text 2 and Windows.

So, I’m a Windows 7 user and need to use xmllint to check validation of.xml files. Xmllint is typically used on a Unix-based operating system and isn’t a standard part of Windows. It needs to be installed separately. Libxml2 depends on libiconv so that is the first thing to build. Like many GNU projects it is UNIX-centric, so building on Windows is not easy. Circuit wizard crack. However, some kind soul has created full instructions. Once you have libiconv you will need to copy the built library from libiconv.lib to iconv.lib.

1) Download XMLLint for Windows here:
2) Choose the xmllint-1.0.exe version and save somewhere in your Windows path (such as your user path).
3) Rename the file to: xmllint.exe (remove the -1.0)
4) Open Sublime Text 2
5) Click Preferences -> Browse Packages (opens up your Packages folder in Windows Explorer).
6) Open up the 'User' folder in your Packages folder.
7) Create a file named:
8) Open that file in, well, Sublime Text 2 of course!
9) Paste the contents of the '' gist on this page.
10) Save the file and restart Sublime Text 2. Sometimes, you don't have to restart but I find it helps most of the time.
11) Click Preferences -> Keybindings - User
12) Alter that file so that it contains the 'Keybindings - User' gist on this page.
13) Be sure the change the keybindings to what you prefer. This example uses ALT-SHIFT-X.
14) Save the file.
15) Go back to your Packages -> User folder in Windows Explorer.
16) Create (or open if it exists) a file called: Main.sublime-menu
17) Open that file in Sublime Text 2
18) Alter the file so that it includes the 'Main.sublime-menu' gist on this page.
19) Save and relaunch Sublime Text 2 for good measure.
20) Enjoy.
You can now press 'ALT-SHIFT-X' to format either a selection of text or the entire document if nothing is selected.
Keybindings - User.txt
{ 'keys': ['alt+shift+x'], 'command': 'tidy_xml_lint' }

Xmllint Install

'caption': 'Selection',
'children': [
'caption': 'Format',
'children': [
'caption': 'Tidy with XML Lint',
'command': 'tidy_xml_lint'
'id': 'format'
'id': 'selection'

Xmllint For Windows
importsublime, sublime_plugin, subprocess
defrun(self, edit):
command='xmllint -format -encode utf-8 -'
# help from
xmlRegion=sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
p=subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=-1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
result, err=p.communicate(self.view.substr(xmlRegion).encode('utf-8'))
self.view.set_status('xmllint', 'xmllint: '+err.decode('utf-8'))
self.view.replace(edit, xmlRegion, result.decode('utf-8'))

How To Install Xmllint Windows 10

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